There are several reasons why we recommend ordering at least two hair systems;

One CNC will not last forever. We understand that this can be shocking but it is common to have wear and tear associated with any human hair product that you are wearing constantly, sleeping in, brushing and washing. Two CNC prosthetics will last on average two years with two repairs ( when we send them back to the factory for hair to be added or for the base to be repaired if it is worn or torn. )

Maintenance appointments are shorter as we already have your alternate system prepped and ready to go!

We are able to customize your CNC ( color, tone, any additional services are possible when you have two as we can not perform these services when you are wearing your prosthetic.

To ensure that you have another system to wear in the event you need to repair your CNC or if it no longer suits your needs. Please keep in mind that production is currently taking 4-5 months to make and that we can not rush an order to get it sooner ( good things take time:)